
Showing posts from 2009

MUTEMATH: Out of Order

Long ago...

In a galaxy far, far away, I used to post on this blog. Well, I'm back, gang, and I have a reason to blog. sorta. I've been invited to regularly write for a friend's online publication, and I figured I can post it here as well. Here's what I am planning on: I'll be writing about music, offering my favorites, reviews, and opinions, focusing on independant sources of talent, as well as the songs I currently have on my playlist. Just as a heads-up, there are musical references that I may or may not make, and you may not like it. I didn't study music in school, and I never listened to all the mainstream, popular influencers of today's "sound." Radiohead, Joy Division, stuff like that. Never registered on my radar till I turned 25. You may all cry for me now... You will hear my opinion of the sound, lyrics, and overall delivery of the stuff I review. I will compare to what I know, and hope for the best, so, next up I'


nothing going on here, move along folks...

Stepping on out toward the ledge

As we speak, I am practicing an age-old method of learning...trial-and-error. I am running boot camp in order to install the debian-based Ubuntu Linux just to discover as much as possible regarding Linux. I figured that I would one day need to switch everything i own over from windows to Linux that isn't a mac. I also figured the best way to do so would be to use the mac.! I could be very wrong...but I am too excited and I've already backed up my hard drive, so I'm cool... Rambling over! Sent from my iPhone.

Crainial weather patterns

To all my friends from apple, DHS, and school, I'm going to begin a series of blogs that track and include pieces of my brainstorming and general progress on my history research paper. I decidied to do this because I am more likely to look at this than my evernote (sorry @voxaeterno), and moleskins are good for creative writing only at this point in my life. So I was thinking about my topics and had thrown up the idea of writing on either politics in SoTex or the History of the American West in Art. After tossing the idea around and directly at my professor, the Art thing seemed to really click. Now that I had a general theme, it was time to get down to the specifics. I needed an argument. I don't mean the kind I have with some I my coworkers. I needed something to prove about the topic. One particular artist who painted the West, Albert Beirstadt, approached his portrayal different from his colleagues at the time of the late 1800s. Instead of painting what was is front of him


I finally found an app for my iPhone that will post blogs! I'm so happy right now. The app is called BlogWriter. I am using the Lite version to test it out, but if it works, I'm definitely upgrading for the $4.99. So today is my day off, and that means that I am going crazy, because I just realized that it isn't. My morning is free, and for some reason, I'm interpreting that as a full day. Hmm. Anywho, there is much to do here at the family ranch, so, I'm off.

random update

that's all this is...I have been thinking of different ideas to blog about, and i've come up with about 3 or 4. Unfortunately, i've forgotten all of them, but at least half have to do with twitter, which, i suppose wouldn't be surprising. i have found more and more useful applications for twitter, thinking, "man, if only my iCal had a twitter to remind me of when my hours are for work" or "my dog's holding kennel needs a Twitter to let me know when he's whining alot." I probably shouldn't tweet this, only because it might actually make money...hmm. I also just realized I wrote "tweet" instead of "blog." Somehow that is significant i the way i perceive communication, the web, and the world now. It is almost 11...i will not get esoteric or profound...i will not over-use ellipses.