
Showing posts from August, 2009

MUTEMATH: Out of Order

Long ago...

In a galaxy far, far away, I used to post on this blog. Well, I'm back, gang, and I have a reason to blog. sorta. I've been invited to regularly write for a friend's online publication, and I figured I can post it here as well. Here's what I am planning on: I'll be writing about music, offering my favorites, reviews, and opinions, focusing on independant sources of talent, as well as the songs I currently have on my playlist. Just as a heads-up, there are musical references that I may or may not make, and you may not like it. I didn't study music in school, and I never listened to all the mainstream, popular influencers of today's "sound." Radiohead, Joy Division, stuff like that. Never registered on my radar till I turned 25. You may all cry for me now... You will hear my opinion of the sound, lyrics, and overall delivery of the stuff I review. I will compare to what I know, and hope for the best, so, next up I'